About Me, Us &

Our Work Together

I’m Eliana Rubin: a queer feminist, anti-imperialist organizer, and practitioner of politicized somatics.

I grew up in a deeply rooted, culturally Jewish community in the Bay Area on Ohlone land. Connecting with my own legacies of resistance fortified me in my commitment to fight all forms of oppression, including both Zionism and antisemitism. For over 12 years, I’ve worked to support culture change in movement spaces through the use of embodied practice and facilitation. In 2015 I began my training in the lineages of generative somatics as a practitioner and teacher. I have organized with the International Anti-Zionist Network since 2014. I received my Graduate Degree in Embodiment Studies from Goddard College in 2020, writing a thesis based on my research in the intersections of somatic methodologies, polyvagal theory, Jewish inter-generational trauma, and internationalist anti-imperialist politics. I am now rooted in Durham, North Carolina on Occoneechi, Saponi, & Eno land where I helped to found Makom, a queer and trans led Jewish anti-Zionist congregation.

In 2024, I published my first book with PM Press, Taking the State Out of the Body: A Guide to Embodied Resistance to Zionism.

  • Yashna Maya Padamsee

    Co-facilitator & Collaborator

  • Becka Tilsen

    Co-Facilitator & Collaborator

Politicized Somatics teaches us to align our bodies and actions with our values…

Politicized somatics is a theory and methodology of embodied practice, healing, and change that grows our capacity to feel a wider range of sensations and align our actions with our values. The root of “somatics,” “soma,” means “the living organism or body in its wholeness.” Somatic practices are designed to support more choiceful, impactful, and resilient bodies and movements.

“Transformation means moving toward more fully inhabiting our bodies as agents of change and healing and thus is absolutely essential to our movements for justice."

—Eliana Rubin, Taking the State Out of the Body