Embody your political commitments through practice and power!
For our movements to succeed, we need to know more than what needs to change, we need to know how to change it. Embodied practice teaches us to transform.
How can embodied practice get us closer to our longings for freedom?
“The invitation to center within chaos, without pressure to find stillness, has been very important to my continued engagement in both organizing and healing.”
—Jae, Jewish Anti-Zionist Organizer.
Now Touring
Now Touring
Taking the State out of the Body invites readers to engage in learning and practice around building an embodied sense of safety that has the power to make militarized borders, policing, and nation-states obsolete. We need the resources offered in this book: from understanding geopolitical impacts of intergenerational trauma, to self-regulation in conflict, to transformative approaches to harm, to cultivating long-haul relationships, to building solidarity across our movements.
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Kirkridge Retreat
& Study Center
September 19-24, 2025
Bangor, Pennsylvania